
Lemons and limes are highly acidic citrus fruits. Limes are green, small, and generally more acidic than lemons. Lemons are yellow and larger than limes. Both fruits have good nutritional qualities.



Lemons taste more sour than limes do, and limes have a smoother taste.


Nutrition Information

Lemons are a richer source of vitamin C and folate than limes, with 39mg of vitamin C and 20ug of folate found in 100g of raw lemon juice, compared to 30mg of vitamin C and 10ug of folate in 100g of juice from a lime. Limes, however, offer much more vitamin A — 50IU compared to 6IU.


How to Eat

Lemon juice is added to salads and pasta dishes and squeezed over fish fillets and meats; it is even used in many jams and preserves. Similarly, lime juice is often used in pastas and rices and on fish and meats. Lemon (and occasionally lime) zest — thin shavings of the fruit's outermost peel — adds tangy citrus oil to dishes. 



Lemons and limes should stay fresh for about a week at room temperature if kept out of bright sunlight. For ideal storage, place lemons and limes in the crisper drawer of the refrigerator. They should keep for up to a month.